Setup your clinic & profile
How to add consultations
Add your consent forms
Add/manage your collaborators
Tracking of the actions
Pre-consultation survey
Bolt notes (visit surveys)
How to setup treatment’s packages
How to setup treatment’s packages
Accounting : distribution, export
Accounting : distribution, export
Administrative infos (patient)
Administrative infos (patient)
How to setup your digital stock
How to setup your digital stock
Prescriptions templates
Setup automatic emails and SMS
Setup automatic emails and SMS
How to add keywords (portfolio)
How to add keywords (portfolio)
Add treatment’s types
Setup your documents templates
Setup your documents templates
Add your prescriptions
Setup of the opening hours
How to add rooms, machines
Email and SMS appointments
SMS settings
Presentation of the agenda
Booking an appointment
Managing absences
Creation of a patient file
Presentation of the patient’s file
Presentation of the patient’s file
Pre-consultation survey
Add a document
Write a medical visit
Write a medical reporting - part2
Write a medical reporting - part2
Build a treatment plan
Generate administrative docs
Traceability of the products used
Traceability of the products used
Reporting of the injection points
Reporting of the injection points
Quotes, invoices & credit notes
Quotes, invoices & credit notes
Generate accounting reports
Generate a prescription
Good review request
Patient journey module
Création d’un doc administratif
Création d’un doc administratif